משחק לימוד אנגלית Conditional Sentences Game

משחק לימוד אנגלית Conditional Sentences Game About this game This is a game to practice or study English as a second language, specifically the focus is on forming conditional phrases of the form “if …, then …”. Conditional phrases of this type are useful structures to learn, as they have a range of uses in […]

משחק לימוד אנגלית Grammar Bubbles

משחק לימוד אנגלית Grammar Bubbles About this game This is a game for practicing English sentence formation. It is primarily aimed at ESL (English as a second language) students. To play, you select a set of content to play with, and then make sentences by clicking on word bubbles. As you make sentences, the bubbles […]

משחק לימוד אנגלית Concentration game

משחק לימוד אנגלית Concentration game About this game This game is a version of the classic game concentration. Intended here to help students learn vocabulary items by matching images and words. You can also listen to the audio when you look at the images. The game is simple and hopefully fun. You click on pairs […]

משחק לימוד אנגלית Past Tense Game

משחק לימוד אנגלית Past Tense Game About this game The first screen shows an analog clock displaying a time – initially 9 o’clock – and a pane below showing the matching time phrase. You can change the time on the clock by moving the clock hands or by clicking on the arrows at the bottom. […]

משחק לימוד אנגלית Telling the Time

משחק לימוד אנגלית Telling the Time About this game This is a mini-game to learn and practice telling the time in English. Students can interact with a clock to change the time and there is also a mini-game which involves matching a time phrase to a clock. The first screen shows an analog clock displaying […]

משחק לימוד אנגלית Fast Phrases Game

משחק לימוד אנגלית Fast Phrases Game About this game This is a basic sentence formation game for learning English – specifically ESL (English as a second language). You look at the image and the click on the options to form a matching phrase. The idea behind this game is to allow players to practice making […]

משחק לימוד אנגלית Comparatives game

משחק לימוד אנגלית Comparatives game About this game This is a game for learning English (ESL) with a specific focus on comparatives The game uses pairs of images that show a difference. For example a tall person and a short person. These pairs are matched with the comparative form of an adjective. For example ‘taller’. […]

משחק לימוד אנגלית Vocabulary Game

משחק לימוד אנגלית Vocabulary Game About this game This is a game to learn basic English (ESL) vocab in a fun way. On the first screen you have to match the images to the words. On the second screen you have to click the button to reveal parts of the image and then click on […]

משחק לימוד אנגלית ESL Food Game

משחק לימוד אנגלית ESL Food Game About this game This is a game for learning ESL food vocabuarly. The aim is to practice English food words, food quantifiers and simple food request phrases. There are a total of 180 food vocab items divided into 9 groups. Each items is represented visually with an image and […]

משחק לימוד אנגלית-Big Describer game

משחק לימוד אנגלית-Big Describer game About this game This is a simple game for practicing brief reading comprehension. To play, you read the brief description and then click on the image that it most accurately describes. The aim is to practice understanding for short English sentences in a fun way. By having the player match […]